23 June 2022 – VAI Health & Wellbeing Network Meeting Outcome

Here is your monthly round up of our borough-wide Health & Wellbeing Network Meeting, complete with agenda items, summaries and presentations for anyone who couldn’t make it on the day. If you would like to watch a recording of the meeting, you can access it here: https://youtu.be/Q9pb0RxW5Xc
1. Hyperlocal Vaccination Programme (Navinder Kaur, VAI – navinder.kaur@vai.org.uk)
As usual, Navinder raised the importance of ongoing vigilance when it comes to infection rates and individual responsibility. We’re seeing a return of widespread infections following recent mass gatherings such as the Platinum Jubilee celebrations and whilst it’s important to enjoy our summer, we know that the health landscape may look very different as we approach autumn and winter. Navinder also described upcoming community pop-up events throughout Islington as part of the Hyperlocal vaccine programme which seeks to engage local communities via general health & wellbeing gatherings and gentle approach discussions around vaccination. See here for more information on Islington Council’s vaccination guidance and below for a list of upcoming events:
June 30th Wellbeing Event, Arc Community Centre
July 3rd Cally Festival
July 7th Wellbeing Event, Kings Square Community Centre
July 14th Wellbeing Event, Whittington Park Pavilion
July14th Wellbeing Event, Old Fire Station
2. Trauma-informed Training Offer (Dev Jayaweera, Whittington Health NHS Trust – devinie.jayaweera@nhs.net)
We were very pleased to have Dev join us from Whittington Health NHS trust to describe a valuable free training offer for members of the VCS community. See here for attached slides with information on the project. Dev noted that the offer is only for voluntary and community organisations primary based in Islington, who offer services to children, you and/or families (including parents). If there is any confusion around eligibility, you can contact her on the email address above for clarification.
The briefing sessions are half an hour and are for leaders and managers interested in registering their organisation, however they are encouraged to stay for the Intro to trauma training directly afterwards. The next briefing for leaders, managers and key influencers is on Wednesday the 29th of June from 9:30am – 10:00am.
29th June 2022 – 9:00am – 9:30am
Introduction to Trauma Registration, Wed 29 Jun 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
28th September 2022 – 10:30am – 11:00am
Introduction to Trauma – September Registration, Wed 28 Sep 2022 at 11:00 | Eventbrite
18th January 2023- 3:30pm – 4:00pm
Introduction to Trauma – January Registration, Wed 18 Jan 2023 at 16:00 | Eventbrite
19th April 2023 – 9:30am – 10:00am
Introduction to Trauma – April Registration, Wed 19 Apr 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
3. Digital Borough-Mapping & Connectivity (Tsigereda, Octopus Community Networks – tsige@octopuscommunities.org.uk)
Tsigereda from Octopus Community Networks joined us to discuss a brilliant digital mapping tool which can be used to connect all services in Islington. Users can register and upload information about their respective organisation and see the spectrum of services in each area, digitally linking with them as they go. You can see a detailed presentation on this tool and its uses and usability here: Network Mapping Presentation 01_
Tsigereda invited members to contact her directly for more information and for the possibility of a more in-depth workshop delivered by her and colleagues to describe the tool in greater detail and to increase its uptake and awareness throughout the borough.
4. Coproduction Strategy in Adult Social Care and wider Islington Council initiatives (Anita de Pan & Nicola Maskrey, Islington Council – anita.depan@islington.gov.uk/nicola.maskrey@islington.gov.uk)
Nicola and Anita from Islington Council came to discuss coproduction and the desire to foster greater collaboration and insight within the VCS, with Anita focusing more on Adult Social Care and Nicola’s remit spanning a broad range. They presented their vision for engagement and feedback around coproduction opportunities and prompted participants to get involved.
They offered the following message: “Thank you to those who attended the meeting last week or will be looking at the slides afterwards (Available here). We are looking forward to start conversations with anyone who is interested around the approach, design and creation of the upcoming strategies around participation, engagement and coproduction. This is for strategies covering both Council wide (Nicola) as well as ASC specific (Anita). There are questions on slide 6 which we would really appreciate some feedback on, to start this conversation. We are keen to listen (and act) to all that want to offer their opinion, expertise or support before continuing so we can ensure we are starting this process properly together.
We know that many of you have codesign/coproduction embedded within your services and are therefore experts within this area of work! However, we also appreciate that everyone is incredibly busy and are dealing with competing priorities so we want and need to ensure this process will be as accessible and adaptable as possible. We will be in touch in the near future with more information but in the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Nicola.Maskrey@islington.gov.uk or Anita.DePan@islington.gov.uk for a chat!”.
Voluntary Action Islington’s Newsgroup
Finally, in the interest of partnership and information sharing, I’d like to invite you to be part of our newsgroup communications (if you are not already) which broadcasts a wide range of updates, asks and opportunities from our 600+ members. You can sign up here.
We hope to see you with us for next month’s meeting which will take place on Thursday 21st July – 10:30. You can register here.