
Finding and taking on premises

130918 to-let-sign-lgWhat do you need to think about when taking on new premises?

Taking on premises is an important stage in an organisation’s development. To get it right you need to consider:

  • Do you really need premises?
  • What are your premises needs – e.g. size; location; do you need your own premises or could you share, etc?
  • Does your organisation have the right structure to take on premises?
  • Where to look, and understanding the Islington property market
  • The cost implications of taking on premises, and where to look for funding
  • How having premises will fit into your longer term plans
  • Do you want a lease or a licence, or is buying a freehold a possibility?
  • How do you negotiate the best deal?
  • Do you need professional help?

Relocating from your existing premises

You need to consider the following key questions:

  • What agreements have you entered into to occupy your current premises? This is likely to affect what you need to do when you move
  • What are your premises needs – e.g. size; location; your own premises or could you share, etc?
  • Does your organisation have the right structure to take on premises?
  • Where to look, and understanding the Islington property market
  • The cost implications of relocating, and where to look for funding
  • What type of tenure do you want?
  • Do you want a building you need to improve or re-furbish?
  • Is a new-build a possibility?
  • How do you negotiate the best deal?
  • What professional help do you need and where can you get it?
  • How do you deal with delivering your service during a move?

Check out the MyCommunitySpace Premises Fact  Finder for further details