Warm Spaces
1. Andover Community Centre
55-57 Corker Walk, Finsbury Park, London N7 7RY
020 7272 3493
Monday 10am to 1:30pm, Friday 9:30am to 5:30pm
Bus 91, 259 or 57 minute walk
2. Arachne Women’s Support
0207 263 6261
Monday 10am to 1pm
Bus 17, 91, 259 or 48 minute walk
3. Archway Library
Hamlyn House, Highgate Hl, Archway, London N19 5PH
✉ archway.library@islington.gov.uk
020 7527 7820
Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 9:30am to 5pm
Bus 17, 390 or 1 hour and 7 minute walk
4. Brickworks Community Centre
42 Crouch Hill, Finsbury Park, London N4 4BY
020 7263 1067
Wednesday & Thursday 12 noon to 3pm
Bus 91 or 1 hour and 13 minutes walk
5. Cat and Mouse Library
✉ catandmouse.library@islington.gov.uk
020 7527 7900
Tuesday, Thursday 9:30am & 7pm, Wednesday 9:30am to 1pm, Saturday 11am to 5pm
Bus 91, 17, 259 or 41 minute walk
6. Caxton House Community Centre
Saturday 11am to 2pm
Bus 17, 91, 390 or 1 hour and 12 minute walk
7. Central Library
2 Fieldway Crescent, London N5 1PF
✉ centrallending.lib@islington.gov.uk
020 7527 6900
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:30am to 8pm, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday 9:30am to 5pm, Sunday 1pm to 5pm
Bus 30
8. Elizabeth House
✉ community@elizabeth-house.org.uk
020 7690 1300 / 07515 410 139
Wednesday 11am to 1.30pm
Bus 73, 476 & 30 change to bus 19 on Angel station bus stop or 1 hour walk
9. Finsbury Park Mosque
7-11 St Thomas’s Rd, Finsbury Park, London N4 2QH
020 7424 5252
Monday and Thursday 6pm to 9pm
Bus 259 or 1 hour walk
10. Finsbury Library
✉ finsbury.library@islington.gov.uk
020 7527 7960
Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm
21 minute walk
11. Highbury Roundhouse
✉ admin@highbury-roundhouse.org.uk
020 7359 5916
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:45am to 4:30pm
Bus 30 or 42 minute walk
12. Hornsey Lane Estate Community Centre
Hazellville Rd, London N19 3YJ
0207 272 5938 or 07377000510
Wednesday 10.30am to 2pm
Bus 91 or 1 hour and 20-minute walk
13. King’s House Church
242 Pentonville London, N1 9JY
✉ ————–
020 3432 5396
Monday 9.30am to 2pm, Wednesday & Thursday 2pm to 5pm
2 minute walk
14. Margins Project at Union Chapel
19b Compton Terrace, London N1 2UN
✉ amanuel@unionchapel.org.uk / marginsadmin@unionchapel.org.uk
0207 704 9050
Monday and Wednesday 11am to 1pm
Bus 30 or 33 minute walk
15. Mildmay Library
21-23 Mildmay Park London N1 4NA
✉ mildmay.library@islington.gov.uk
020 7527 7880
Monday 9.30am to 1pm, Tuesday & Thursday 9.30am to 8pm, Saturday 11am to 5pm
Bus 476, 73 or 46 minute walk
16. N4 Library
020 7527 7800
Monday & Wednesday 9:30am to 8pm, Friday & Sat 9:30am to 5pm, Thursday 9:30am to 1pm
Bus 259 or 1 hour and 2 minute walk
17. South Library
115-117 Essex Rd London N1 2SL
✉: south.library@islington.gov.uk
020 7527 7860
Monday & Wednesday 9:30am to 8pm, Friday & Saturday 9:30am to 5pm
Bus 73, 476 or 26 minute walk
18. St Andrew’s, Thornhill Square
✉ admin@standrewsthornhillsquare.org.uk
020 7607 4552
Saturday 11am to 1pm
16 minute walk
19. St. Clement’s Church
St Clements Vicarage, King Square, London EC1V 8DA
✉ frdavid@stclementfinsbury.org
Wednesday 10am to 2pm
Bus 214, 205 or 23 minute walk
20. St George’s Tufnell Park
✉ office@stgeorgestufnellpark.org
Tuesday 6pm to 8:30pm Wednesday, Thursday 10:30am to 12 noon
Bus 259, 91 or 58 minute walk
21. St John’s Hoxton
✉ ———–
020 7739 9302
Wednesday 10am to 1pm
Bus 205, 214 or 39 minute walk
22. St. Jude and St. Paul’s Church
113 Mildmay Grove N, London N1 4PL
✉ ———–
07584 055000
Tuesday 12 noon to 3pm
Bus 73, 476, 30 or 51 minute walk
23. St. Luke Community Centre
90 Central St, London EC1V 8AJ
✉ ———
020 7549 8181
Monday to Thursday 9am to 7pm Friday 9am to 5pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am to 3pm
Bus 205, 214 or 26 minute walk
24. St. Mary’s Hornsey Rise Church
020 7916 2710
Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm
Bus 91 or 1 hour and 11 minute walk
25. The Rock Tower
49 Tufnell Park Road London. N7 0PS
020 7700 7004
Thursday 6pm to 9pm
Bus 91, 17 or 50 minute walk
26. Vibast Community Centre
020 7527 4605
Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm
Bus 205, 214 or 32 minute walk
27. West Library
107 Bridgeman Road, London, N1 1BD
✉ west.library@islington.gov.uk
020 7527 7920
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30am to 8pm, Friday & Saturday 9:30am to 5pm
Bus 91, 17, 253 and 17 minute walk