Other Resources
Access Islington Hubs
Ⓘ One-stop-shops, offering early intervention and prevention services for local residents
6-9 Manor Gardens, Islington, London, N7 6LA
✆ 020 7272 4231
Bus 17 plus 4 minutes’ walk Time: 31 minutes
Hubs will deliver advice and support in the domains of work, money, food, home, family, wellbeing and safety
Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service – Camden
Ⓘ Provide medically assisted community detoxification or referral to inpatient detoxification treatment for over 18 years old
St Pancras Hospital4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
✆ 020 3317 7500 or 020 3227 4950
Drop-in on: Monday 10am-12midday; Tuesday and Fridays: 2-4pm
Evening assessments by appointment only on: Mondays and Thursday 5–5.45pm.
Walking 20 minutes
Support with drug and alcohol addiction