June LWN meeting – Elizabeth House – 10/06/22
The first Central LWN meeting took place on Friday 10th June at Elizabeth House (N5 1ED) and started the conversation around collaborative action and positive social change in the area. Here is a round-up of the meeting, complete with attendee and organisational info which we hope will promote further networking and awareness of the fantastic community stakeholders collaborating for a better borough.
After an initial welcome, Local Wellbeing Networks Coordinator, Charlton Brown introduced the project and briefly discussed its formation within Islington council and the partnership objective between Voluntary Action Islington and Octopus Community Networks. Charlton briefed attendees on the work undertaken so far regarding the upskilling of Islington community members via the Community Organising training and Community Change-Makers campaign that is currently underway (more detail on that here).
After which, the attendees took time to introduce themselves, their organisation and what they were hoping to achieve by joining the LWN and how it could impact their respective communities. See below for a list of attendees, their organisation and their contact information:
Barney Magee, Better Lives NHS Trust – barney.magee@candi.nhs.uk
Laura Guy, Cripplegate – laura.guy@cripplegate.org.uk
Michalina Popiolek, Maya Centre – Michalina@mayacentre.org.uk
Phillippa Russell, Healthwatch Islington – philippa.russell@candi.nhs.uk
Rona Topaz, Brickworks Community Centre – ilovesjf@yahoo.co.uk
Saiqa Pandor, Home Start Camden & Islington – saiqa@homestartcamden.org
Sian Robins-Grace, Islington Copwatch – sianrobinsgrace@gmail.com
After the round of introductions and a short networking break, the meeting concluded by setting the agenda for the following month, which will focus on tangible action. The group will attempt to recruit more local community stakeholders and grow the membership, aiming for greater representation of marginalised communities and a stronger collective voice.
Next month’s meeting will take place on Wednesday 6th July, 1-3PM at the Cripplegate Foundation (N1 8HX), you can register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/july-local-wellbeing-network-meeting-central-locality-tickets-365411705247