Voluntary Action Islington Events Update 6th April 2021
Soca Aerobics
Active Spaces Islington
Every Tuesday: 6:30pm – 7:45pm
A fun mix of dance and aerobics bringing all the sunshine of the Caribbean to your home. Get fit the fun way to the rhythms of Soca music. Suitable for all fitness and ability levels. Book your space here.
Action for Local Food: Climate, Community and Food in Islington
Octopus Communities Network
Wednesday 7th April 2021: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Action for Local Food is a new movement on a mission to create local solutions that address our climate emergency and benefit the community by growing fruit and veg, building soil, harvesting water, preventing food waste and sharing surplus food. Our big picture vision is everyone in Islington having access to local, fresh, nutritious and sustainable food. Book your space here.
Eating for Health
C&I together with Recovery Colleges
Tuesday 13th April 2021: 12:30pm – 2:00pm
The link between food, physical and mental health and the impact of covid 19 will be highlighted in this webinar. Eating a healthy diet is important for our well-being. What we can do to achieve better outcomes and improve our overall health is our focus. We will cover foods and ways of eating that support the body and talk about how to make small changes around meal preparation and consumption. Book your space here.
Public Health Briefings for Community, Voluntary and Faith groups
London Government
Tuesday 13th April 2021: 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Partners across London, including public health England and the GLA, invite all those working in London’s community, voluntary and faith sectors who are supporting our city’s diverse communities to attend a monthly online briefing session. The meetings will be an opportunity to receive updates on key information about the situation in London, to hear about how you can help keep your communities safe. There will also be an opportunity share your experiences and needs, and to hear from and share learning with others in the sector. Book your space here.
Covid-19 vaccination information event for the Black Caribbean community in north London
Healthwatch Islington
Wednesday 14th April 2021: 2:30pm – 3:30pm
There will be a short presentation by staff from the North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group on the Covid vaccination programme. They will also hear from a community member who has already had their vaccination. There will be time for your questions. Book your space here.
Getting Back On Track
Voluntary Action Islington
Wednesday 21st April 2021: 10:30am – :00pm
This is a training workshop for small organisations to help plan the way ahead after a year of non-delivery or delivering your services differently. If you weren’t able to run your services or delivered in a different but limited way over the past year, then this workshop will help you to take stock and plan ahead for the future. The session will look at tools and techniques that groups can use to analyse the current situation for their services, and then develop an Action Plan to use and move ahead. There will be time to discuss re-engaging with your community/service users, as well as looking at the current funding climate. The workshop will be held via zoom. Book your space here.
Introduction to the Internet and web browsing
Healthwatch Islington
Thursday 22nd April 2021: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
A learning session delivered by Clarion Futures Digital and Healthwatch all about the internet. We’ll learn how to use search engines to find websites, as well as tips and tricks for navigating from place to place. This session will build your confidence in searching online for the information you need to support your health and wellbeing. Book your space here.
Small Charities Coalition: What’s it going to cost?
Small Charities Coalition
Friday 23rd April 2021: 10:00am – 11:30am
A It is tricky to work out how to translate what you are going to do into how much it is going to cost; particularly at the moment when there are so many unknowns. This 90-minute session will revisit the principles of budgeting and look at: why writing a budget is useful, who to involve in building it, how to do it – ideas, tips and signposts. The session includes plenty of opportunities to ask about your budgeting queries. There is only time for a brief reference to full cost recovery and allocation of project costs. If this is a popular topic we can provide specific training at a later date. Book your space here.
How to Talk About What You Do – Commuicating as a Small Charity
Small Charities Coalition
Friday 23rd April 2021: 10:00am – 11:30am
“How to Talk About What You Do”, will cover the basics of creating clear, intentional messaging that reinforces your brand. You will gain an understanding of why consistent messaging and mindful language choices are crucial when communicating your organisation’s mission. Learning Objectives – To understand why clear, consistent messaging is important for small charities, to understand key approaches to consider when writing messaging, and how to break them down in practice and to understand how language choices can impact brand perception, and how to ensure messaging aligns with organisational purpose. Book your space here.
Setting Up Your Not-For-Profit Right!
Small Charities Coalition
Multiple dates: April 15th, May 20th, June 17th and July 15th 2021: 12:00pm – 13:00 pm
If you are looking to set up a charity, not for profit company, or community interest company then this short online session can help. In this free online session, they will explore: the different types of structures for setting up good cause organisations, look at the process of registering your organisation with the appropriate regulator and look at what else you need to do when setting up an organisation. Book your space here.
Covid-19 vaccination information event for Somali speakers, and speakers of Tigrinya and Arabic
Healthwatch Islington
Wednesday 28th April 2021: 2:30pm – 4:00pm
They are running this event in partnership with Community Language Support Services. There will be a short presentation by staff from North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group on the Covid vaccination programme. You will also hear from a community member who has already had their vaccination. Book your space here.
Data Essentials
Thursday 29th April 2021: 2:00pm – 4:15pm
Data isn’t just about numbers and statistics, or even stories; it’s about asking the right questions of the valuable information at your disposal, so that you can better meet the needs of the people you support. Small charities and community organisations are capturing useful data all the time. So are local authorities, national government and bigger charities. Both our own data and that of others can help us understand why our interventions work, ensure policy makers listen and prevent us being overlooked for vital funds. Ultimately it helps them to make the right decisions, spotting problems before they happen and identifying solutions in ever changing political and socio-economic conditions. Book your space here.
An Introduction to Design Sprints for social impact organsiations
Friday 30th April 2021: 9:30am – 11:30am
In this workshop, they will demystify what a Design Sprint involves and share how they have adapted them for teams like yours. You’ll learn how they’re good for any idea – from tech ideas to campaigns, from strategies to processes, get an insight into the key steps of a Design Sprint and why they are useful, understand how to adapt the Design Sprint process to get it to work for you, overcome key blockers to Design Sprints internally and during your sprint, find out how to get stakeholders involved (without eating up their time) and go beyond Design Sprints to start thinking about planning your idea in a way that cuts risk. Book your space here
See more relevant events to your organisation development or your service users here and if you are running any events and would like us to promote them send an email to Meera.Jobanputra@vai.org.uk