The 2020 Islington Voluntary and Community Sector Econference

Wednesday 14th October 10am – 1pm
Online via zoom
For VCS groups, communities and informal groups such as MutualAid
As Summer recedes and – for now – local lockdown is eased, now is the time to ask local communities what are the challenges that need to be addressed for Islington to enter a resilient and sustainable recovery. The econference will address both immediate operational needs as expressed in our recent survey (were funding, volunteering strategy, IT were the top three requirements) and wider community issues raised in a number of forums and surveys (eg adverse impacts of COVID on BAMER Communities).
This year’s meeting will be as much about listening to you as listening to our speakers. We need to hear your voices.
Speakers announced
Martin Brookes: Martin is the Chief Executive of London Plus (formerly Greater London Volunteering), which empowers London’s civil society organisations by better connections and ensuring our collective voice influences positive change. Martin started his career as an economist, later moving into the voluntary sector, where he has founded organisations such as New Philanthropy Capital and Pro Bono Economics.
Angela Spence: Angela is the Vice-Chair of the London CVS Directors Network (which includes Voluntary Acton Islington). She is Director of Kensington and Chelsea Social Council and contributes to working groups under the London Recovery Board.
Dominic Pinkey: Dominic Pinkey is Chief Executive at both Hammersmith and Fulham, and Camden Volunteer Centres. He leads the NHS-funded, 5 Volunteer Centre “Volunteering Plus” project shaping volunteer practice in Health and Social Care across North and Central London.
Sarah Vibert: Sarah is the director of public policy and volunteering at NCVO and is responsible for policy, communication, volunteering development and research. Sarah has held a number of leadership roles in the voluntary sector, most recently as chief executive of the umbrella charity, The Neurological Alliance. Sarah also spent time in her senior management roles at Epilepsy Society and In Kind Direct. She started her career in local government management, including working for the The Mayor of London . Sarah is a trustee of National Voices, the health sector charity coalition, reflecting her strong interest in charity collaboration. She also volunteers as a committee member of her son’s primary school Parent Teacher Association.
Other speakers will be announced soon.
The econference is open to all community organizations, formalised or otherwise, including Mutual Aid Groups.
Register for the event here