Voluntary Action Newsletter – 20 June 2022
20 June 2022
Windrush Celebration Day
Wednesday 22nd June 2022, 11:00AM – 2:00PM
Want to know more about Windrush, the ship that brough some of the first post-war migrants from the Caribbean to Britain? Were you or your relatives part of the Windrush generation of Commonwealth citizens who came to live in Britain between 1948 and 1971? This event is for you!
Book your place at these special events: Windrush Reminiscence (11:00AM – 12:00PM) and Windrush Picnic (12:00PM – 2:00PM). To book your place call Age UK Islington Helpline on 020 7281 6018 or email: activities@ageukislington.org.uk.
Google & LIFT’s Start Your Career In Tech
Friday 24th June 2022, 12:00PM – 4:00PM
Join the LIFT team for a workshop day at Google King’s Cross Headquarters for a packed afternoon. The day will include insight into different career in tech, 90 minute workshop on improving your application skills and careers “speed dating” Q&A with Google team members. To find out more and sign up, send an email to melek.erdal@islington.gov.uk.
LIFT Careers Fair
Thursday 30th June 2022, 5:30PM – 7:30PM
LIFT are offering a careers fair that will help you discover great opportunities and connect with exciting startup businesses looking for talent. From internships to apprenticeships this job has it all. To book your spot, click here.
Camden & Islington Hate Crime Meetings
Monday 4th July 2022, 11:30AM – 12:30PM
The police and various key partners/stakeholders are conducting a number of meetings throughout the year to review redacted crime reports to reassure both partners and communities that hate crimes are being dealt with appropriately and taken seriously.
If you are interested in attending, book your spot by emailing matthew.hogg@met.police.uk or call 0788 0432 601.
Cost Of Living
Wednesday 6th July 2022, 11:00AM – 12:30PM
Islington Council would like to invite organizations from the voluntary and community sector to an information session on the cost of living. With the cost of living in London on a steep rise in recent years, especially the last couple of months, this session will be particularly useful to helping you work around the current economic environment.
The event will include presentations from the Energy Advice, Income Maximization, Resident Support Scheme and Shine Teams. You can join the session through Zoom here. The meeting ID is 874 2310 5295 and the passcode is 551769.
Young Grant Makers’ Programme Leader
Islington Giving are looking for an enthusiastic and community focused individuals to lead our Young Grant Makers’ Programme.
Each year, Islington Giving invites 12 young people to join us on a five-month journey to become grant makers. Our Young Grant Makers’ programme puts young people in charge of making decisions about what kind of projects they want to support based on what is important to them and their peers. As Programme Leader, you would be co-ordinating recruitment, training and support of our Young Grant Makers for the duration of the programme.
The closing date for applications is Monday 20th of June at 9:00AM. If this sounds like a project you want to be part of, click here to view the application pack. You can also send an email to laura.guy@cripplegate.org.uk.
London Network Worker
Migrant Voice is looking for a London Network Worker (4 days per week for 3 years) to join their London office.
Deadline for applications for the London Network Worker has been extended to Tuesday 21 June at 10.00am.
Applications should be submitted by writing no more than 3 pages A4 outlining how you fit the criteria for the post and send this together with your CV and the completed equal opportunities monitoring form. All applications to be emailed to info@migrantvoice.org.
Middle Eastern Women & Society Organization AGM
The Middle Eastern Women & Society Organization is inviting you to their annual general meeting. It has been a momentous year for the MEWSO and they would absolutely love for you to be part of it.
To book you spot and learn more about the AGM, click here.
Bemerton Children’s Centre In Barnsbury Rated As “Outstanding” By Ofsted
Bemerton Children’s Centre, a nursery near Caledonian Road managed by Islington Council, has been given the highest possible rating by Ofsted. If you want to read more, click here.
The Mayor of London has launched a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners
The price of energy, food and bills are all rising steeply, and many Londoners are struggling to keep up with the cost of living. The hub contains information about help you can get if you are in financial difficulty. It includes help with paying your bills, debts, and income. It also includes help in a crisis, mental health and help for migrants. For more info here.
The Future Of Islington Adult Social Care
Islington Council wants to make sure Adult Social Care services in Islington reflect the needs, wants and wishes of residents, especially those who use social care.
We are looking for Islington residents and their families, friends, and carers who would be interested in shaping the future of Adult Social Care in Islington, such as contributing to the development of a new model for Home Care services.
There are lots of ways to take part, for example have a chat with the council to give your views or join a working group to help design or improve how services are run. You can read more about it here.
If this sounds of interest to you, please call 0771 2233 224 or you send an email to UCI@islington.gov.uk.
Creative competition for young people
What does a fair and equal future in Islington mean for you? The question is being asked about Islington’s young people to think creatively about what a fair and equal future in Islington means for them. It could be a music video or song, a short essay, arts and crafts, a painting, or a drawing. The medium is up to you – so get creative!
Deadline: Thursday 3 June 2022
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Covid-19 Vaccine FAQs in different languages
Islington Council have prepared translations of Covid-19 FAQ’s in the most common languages spoken in Islington. Provided are A5 sized flyers and A3 sized posters. They have also included social media banners so you can customise your messages. Printed flyers are available in these languages to be collected from VAI offices by appointment. Download from the Voluntary Action Islington website here.
Camden & Islington Hate Crime Meetings
The police and various key partners/stakeholders are conducting various meetings throughout the year to review redacted crime reports to reassure both partners and communities that hate crimes are being dealt with appropriately and taken seriously.
The meetings will be held on Microsoft Teams, 11:30am-12:30pm, as follows:
- Monday 5 September – Disability
- Monday 7 November – Sexual Orientation
- Monday 9 January 2023 – Transgender
If you are interested in being a part of these meetings, please contact – matthew.hogg@met.police.uk or call 0788 0432 601.
Islington Mind: Mother To Mother Carers Support Project, Monday 11:00AM – 3:00PM
Held weekly at Islington Mind, Ashley Road day centre, 35 Ashley Road, London N19 3AG. A service for mothers who are carers of offspring with mental health problems. Download leaflet here.
For more info: contact 020 3301 9850 or ossi.ron@islingtonmind.org.uk.
Help for Ukrainians
Updated Homes for Ukraine visa data: The Home Office has issued the latest data for visas issued under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, by local authority. Attached is the London breakdown as at 26 April; the full national data can be found here.
Welcome: a guide for Ukrainians arriving in the UK
Homes for Ukraine: factsheet for Ukrainians
Homes for Ukraine scheme: frequently asked questions
Q&A with the Home Office on the Ukraine visa process –You Tube video
Homes for Ukraine Sponsor Toolkit
VCSEP Slack channel for Ukraine: Join here. If you are already on the VCSEP Slack, you can add yourself to this channel.
HealthProm – Ukrainian Refugees Cultural Sensitivity Sheet – Base Guidelines fact sheet here.
Women’s Safety Training Session
Thursday 23rd June 2022, 10:00AM – 12:30PM
Islington Faiths Forum will be hosting a training session on the safety of women. The aims of the training session includes to inform and improve attitudes towards the safety of women and girls, address street harassment and hate crime, promote “up-standers” of women’s and girl’s safety, include men to create positive changes in society and support women and girls to feel confident & safe.
This is a session for both males and females. To book your place please send an email to info@islingtonfaithsforum.org.uk.
Into Hospitality
Monday 27th June 2022 – 1st July 2022, 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Into Hospitality is a course designed to help anybody, at any age and from any background, with no experience, build a sustainable career in hospitality.
We help people transition from being interested in food, to learning from some of the country’s best chefs and forging their own careers with the most forward-thinking, independent, quality restaurants in London.
Into Hospitality is a free 5-day intensive course, covering a range of professional kitchen and knife skills to set you up to start working, learning and earning. Please email your interest to hello@electricmayonnaise.co.uk.
Emails & Attachments
Monday 27th June 2022, 2:00PM – 3:30PM
Clarion Digital Skills Team leads this training session that explains the advantages of using email and demonstrates how to use the different functions to send and receive emails and attachments. A follow-up one to one support session is also available, to help learners’ set-up and access a personal email account.
By the end of the session you would have learned the differences between email providers, the components of an email address, benefits of using email, how to send an email and how to identify and protect yourself from phishing emails.
To book your spot call 07949 182687 or 07949780695. Alternatively, you can email gulum@healthwatchislington.co.uk or maria.gonzalez@healthwatchislington.co.uk.
ICA: Group Facilitation Methods course
Monday 27th – Tuesday 28th June 2022, 9:00AM – 5.00PM
The methods allow both expert and novice facilitators to maintain a group’s focus, actively involve all its members and skilfully guide them to reaching their given objectives. The cost is £475. However, if you are interested in the course and cost is an issue then please get in touch with alice@ica-uk.org.uk
For more info & book here.
Environmental Sustainability For Community Organizations
Tuesday 28th June 20220, 11:00AM – 12:00PM
This interactive webinar will discuss simple methods to reduce the carbon footprint of your community building and organization, including community involvement, energy and waste. For more information and to book your spot, click here.
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th, Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th of July 2022, 2:30PM – 5:00PM
Rethink are hosting free Youth Mental Health First Aid training following funding from the council. The Youth Mental Health First Aid online training takes place over 4 sessions. Delegates must attend all 4 sessions and complete pre-session work in order to gain their Youth Mental Health First Aid qualification.
The course is being advertised is an ‘Open Course’ which means it is open for individuals to book onto via Eventbrite, rather than for an organisation to book.
This course will be really beneficial for individuals in your organisation who have a real passion for supporting our youth. The course outline can be found here and you can book your spot here.
The Islington & Camden #QuitforCovid Campaign
The #QuitforCovid campaign begins on Monday 8 June. The campaign is to support people to quit smoking, particularly at a time when people who smoke are putting themselves at a greater risk of developing severe disease from the Covid-19 virus.
Breathe Stop Smoking Service provides personalised help from a specialist advisor online or over the phone, and face-to-face support. They can help you stop smoking, offering all their support over the phone. Call 020 3633 2609 or visit www.breathestopsmoking.org. You can also sign up to regular texts from Stop Smoking London here. Or get 24/7 support by downloading My Quit Route app for android and iOS, free for Camden and Islington residents.
Racial Justice Fund
Grant: Up to £4 million
Objectives: City Bridge Trust and Trust for London have launched a new £4 million Racial Justice Fund to support the economic empowerment of London’s Black and minoritized communities.
Priority Groups: Organizations which are majority-led by Black and minoritized.
Deadlines: Monday 27th of June
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Universal Music UK Sound Foundation
Grants: Up to £1,500
Objectives: Purchase or upgrade of musical instruments and equipment.
Priority Groups: Provide funding for schools teaching the national curriculum to improve their music department.
Deadline: 10 August 2022
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LGBTQ+ Futures Equity Fund
Grants: From £100 – £25,000
Objectives: Help individuals and organizations from the LGBTQ+ create and maintain change.
Priority Groups: Deaf and/or Disabled People, Lesbian, Bi and Trans+ Women, Older LGBT+ People, People from Black, Asian, or other Minorities Ethnicities and Trans and Non-Binary People
Deadline: 30 October 2022
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The Happiness Fund
Grant: £2,500 per quarter
Objectives: The Happiness Fund is available to enable and support projects which improve mental health, wellbeing, inclusion and skills development in local communities.
Priority Groups: Organizations with a focus on health, wellbeing, inclusion training and the skills development of communities.
Deadline: Rolling from 1st of July
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The Henry Smith Charity Holiday Grants
Grants: Between £500 – £2,500
Objectives: The purpose of the Holiday Grants programme is to provide access to recreational trips or holidays for groups of children who experience a disadvantage or who have disabilities.
Priority Groups: Schools, small charities and non-profits that primarily work with children.
Deadline: Six weeks before the trip or holiday
Artemis Charitable Foundation
Grants: from £1,000 to £10,000
Objectives: Health, education, poverty, the environment.
Priority Groups: Organizations focused on health, education, poverty and environmental sustainability.
Deadlines: Monthly
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The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation
Grants: There are three types of grants; major grants of £50,000 and above, medium grants between £5,000 and £50,000 and small grants below £5,000. Small grants account for 80% of those awarded annually.
Objectives: Help organizations with a focus on community, education, health and social welfare create and maintain change.
Priority Groups: Capital projects
Deadlines: Applications can be submitted at any time.
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City Bridge Trust – Small grants
Grants: £1,000 and £10,000 per year are available for a maximum of five years. Decision within 12 weeks
Objectives: A project which enables disabled people and/or older people who are disadvantaged to actively participate in the arts, sports and health and wellbeing opportunities.
Priority Groups: Greening and growing projects which bring communities together and improve the local environment.
Deadline: On-going, check with funder
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City Bridge Trust – Advice and Support Grants
Grant: £1,000 and £10,000 per year are available for a maximum of five years. Decision within 12 weeks
Objectives: Provide up to five years of funding for individuals and organizations who are disadvantaged.
Priority Groups: Advice & support for disadvantaged individuals in the following areas: benefits; debt & money; fuel poverty; employment problems; housing; or immigration status. Food poverty. Tackling hardship and crisis by funding the infrastructure needed to support the distribution of donated food.
Deadline: On-going, check with funder
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Lloyds Bank Foundation – Racial Equity Funding
Grants: Unrestricted funding of £50,000.
Objectives: They must also have a focus on supporting people from specific Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic communities to overcome 11 Complex Social Issues – see website.
Priority Groups: Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic communities
Deadlines: There is no closing date for applications – the Foundation aims to give you a decision within four months.
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Vegan Society Grants
Grants: £1,000 average
Objectives: Support projects which will encourage non-vegans to go vegan and stay vegan.
Priority Groups: Raise public awareness of veganism in a positive way
Deadline: See website.
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The Islington Funding Toolkit enables organisations to easily search a database of current and upcoming funding programmes.
The VAI funding booklet is divided up into eight different sections, this will make searching easier as you will now be able go directly to the sections that you are interested in. Check out our latest: Funding Booklet (doc) / Funding Booklet (pdf)
Survey For Parents & Carers Of Children Aged 5 – 15 Years
We want to know what questions parents and children have about the COVID-19 vaccine and have created a short survey to capture these. We will use the results to improve the information we provide about the COVID-19 vaccine for children.
Please help us to promote the survey through your channels. To view the survey, click here.