
New podcast: Persevering: Grief As Told By Young People


There is a new podcast called Persevering: Grief As Told By Young People, which 16-20-year-olds have recently created as part of the Let’s Talk About Loss youth board. 

This podcast is an authentic conversation looking at different aspects of bereavement and what it’s like to lose someone at a young age. Episodes so far include how to support others through bereavement and grief when the relationship is complicated.

This podcast is a valuable resource for young people and those who support them, so they hope you can listen and share it with others you’re working with. 

Listen on Spotify here

Listen on Apple Podcasts here

The project wraps up early in the new year and so if you have any upcoming events or opportunities for this group around raising awareness of young people’s grief that you’d like to discuss, don’t hesitate to contact Jessica (Project Lead) at Jess Easton  The website address is:

Let’s Talk About Loss is a support network for young people aged 18-35 who have been bereaved.