
National Organisations Help and Support

Here we have combined a list of all the national services organisations are running during the covid-19. They are here to help and support you in this time of need.

Anxiety UK:

Ⓘ They can help if you feel anxious, they have online support groups and access to webinars.

✆ 03444 775 774


Ⓘ This is for teenagers as well. Personal online support, tips and advice on a wide range of issues, including exam stress and bulling.

✆ 0800 1111

🌐 website

OK Rehab:

Ⓘ Beating Addiction Together – delivering inclusive addition treatment.

✆ 0800 326 5559

🌐 website


Ⓘ Advice, support and information around mental health.

✆ 030 0123 3393


Rethink Mental Illness:

Ⓘ Advice, support and information around mental health.

✆ 030 0500 0927/ 012 1522 7007

Solace Women’s Aid:

Ⓘ  Free and confidential support for women and men affected by abuse. Please see the website for more helplines.

✆ 0808 802 5565 – Advice

🌐 website

The Samaritans:

Ⓘ Emotional support for people experiencing distress or suicidal thoughts.

✆ 116 123 (24 hours a day)

Time to Change:

Ⓘ A campaign to end mental health stigma and discrimination. Contact them by email for advice, support and information around mental health. – This service closed on the 31st of March 2021. Please get in touch with Mind’s Communities Team.

Women’s Aid:

Ⓘ Advice and support for women suffering domestic or sexual violence.

✆ 080 8200 0247 which is a free 24 hour helpline.

📱 Live Chat or

🌐 – contact a local domestic abuse service by using there Domestic Abuse Directory

Young Minds:

Ⓘ This is for children and young people providing advice, support and information around mental health.

📱 Text YM to 85258 for urgent help, for parents call

✆ 080 8802 5544