
July LWN meeting – Better Space – 07/07/22


The second iteration of the South Locality’s Local Wellbeing Network meeting took place today at Better Space, Farringdon Road, hosted by our very own Community Change-Maker Sophie Eels. Thank you to all attendees for what was a positive event and for those who couldn’t make it, here is your write-up including details of attendees, their organisations and group discussion points.

The Local Wellbeing Networks Coordinator, Charlton, welcomed the group and briefly described the contextual background of the project for new members (available here) and asked any of June’s attendees to describe their experience. Penny from the Kings Square TRA described a useful initial meeting and the opportunity to hear from other organisations that may help her resident association. After this introduction, the group spent the majority of the meeting going round and introducing themselves, their service and their motivation for this type of community meeting. For the purpose of visibility and connectivity, see below for a list of attendees, their organisation and their contact information:


Alexandra Levitas, Camden & Islington Public

Alexis White, St. Luke’s Community

Cliff Joseph, Voluntary Action

Juliana Lottmann, Embrace –

Nabeena Mali, BIB Labs –

Oliver Raizon, Talk for

Penny Seal, King Square TRA/Friends of Kings Square gardens –

Primrose Christie, Octopus Community

Rebecca Kirkpatrick, The Claremont

Sophie Eels, Better

Suzanne Lee, All Change Arts

Til Jeune, North London

Tsigereda Tekletsadik, Octopus Community


After a short networking break, Charlton summarised the work of the group so far and raised the importance of following two directional paths:
1. Tangible Action (how to translate this energy and commitment into tangible outcomes for North locality residents)
2. The Sustainability of the Network (how to retain members, drive momentum and harness the insight and experience of attendees to keep the project running successfully)

After which, the group engaged in an interesting discussion around suitable next steps and the ability to kickstart a roadmap to tangible outcomes. Led by Suzanne from All Change Arts, the group agreed to use the summer break to reflect on key questions around tangible action and how we as a collective can start collaborating to make a positive difference. The questions will be sent out to meeting attendees and when the group reconvenes in September, members should have already started preparing and answering each topic, ready to discuss as a collective. The questions can be seen here: LWN Group questions (shared)

Community Organiser and wonderful network member, Alexis offered to host September’s meeting at St. Luke’s Community Centre. The details and registration for this will be updated in due course.