Wellbeing for All – Thank you

Thank you for participating in our Wellbeing for All event yesterday 12th May. We hope you enjoyed the presentation.
If you missed out or couldn’t attend our section, please click the link to see the recorded video of our event.
The agenda: click the links to see the speakers presentation.
Cllr Una O’Halloran: Executive Member for Community Development – Opening remarks
Emily Van de Pol: Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust – What the Community Mental Health Transformation Plan means for Islington residents and organisations
Nicky Forsythe: Talk for Health – A psychotherapist – designed peer counselling programme geared for well-being for all
Anna Portch: Sunnyside Community Gardens – Combating isolation through opportunities for local people to spend time outdoors in nature
Carol Louvet: The Stress Project, HNG – Holistic therapies: treating not just the illness but the person as a whole
Emma Charlton: The Peel – Direct Action Project: A service for young people and parents (video)
Comfort Break
Emma Whitby: Healthwatch Islington – Ambition and progress of Islington’s Challenging Inequality Strategy
Sigal Avni: Islington Mind – Opening plans for services and projects offered and challenges currently faced by service users in managing and recovering from the Covid-19 trauma
Geethika Jayatilaka: Chance UK – Early intervention and supporting wellbeing and the development of social and emotional skills in children aged 5-13
Ismail Bahriyeli: Age UK Islington – Age UK’s work with Carers delivered in partnership with Camden and Islington NHS Team
Jonathan Buffong: Mixed Martial Arts for Reform and Progression (MMARAP) – Training and mentoring of young people using mixed martial arts – an invaluable tool to develop essential life skills, such as confidence, discipline and respect.
Tash Alexander: Head Held High “Funny is power” – Impact of Head Held High’s comedy course on individuals wellbeing
Navinder Kaur: Closing remarks
Thank you again for your attendance. We hope the best for you and success in your future. See you at our next event.
Best Regards,