2020 - Voluntary Action Islington
Islington Volunteer of the Year Awards 2020
PRESS RELEASE Islington Volunteer of the Year Awards 2020 Hosted by Voluntary Action Islington Wednesday 16 December 2020 We are very pleased to announce that David Mallory is Islington Volunteer of the Year 2020. David joined Age UK Islington and Healthwatch Islington as a volunteer in 2019 and both organisations...News
Volunteering Opportunities at Christmas 2020
1. Christmas Telephone Befriender – Help on Your Doorstep Between Christmas Eve to New Years Day So many people are facing the hardest loneliest Christmas. They would be so happy for someone to give them a call for a friendly chat during the festive period. You could make a real...News
Navinder Kaur new Chief Executive of Voluntary Action Islington
Press Statement Voluntary Action Islington (VAI) has chosen Navinder Kaur as its new Chief Executive. Navinder was until recently Networks and Partnerships Manager at London Plus, which brought together voluntary, local authority and NHS responses to the Covid-19 outbreak across the capital. She previously worked at VAI as Head...News
Trustees Week 2020: 2nd to 6th November
To celebrate Trustees Week 2020 on the 2nd – 6th November we would like to thank and highlight the extraordinary work that has been done during the coronavirus crisis, and how Trustees supported that in the borough. Thank you to all the volunteers who been helping out in the...28/10/2020
Volunteer of the Year Awards 2020 – Nominations now open!!
Voluntary Action Islington exists to encourage and support individuals and community organisations to make a positive difference in life in the Borough. Each year we organise awards to celebrate the achievements of people volunteering in Islington. In a year riven by Covid-19, it’s even more important that we all celebrate...News
The 2020 Islington Voluntary and Community Sector Econference
Wednesday 14th October 10am – 1pm Online via zoom For VCS groups, communities and informal groups such as MutualAid As Summer recedes and – for now – local lockdown is eased, now is the time to ask local communities what are the challenges that need to be addressed for Islington...17/09/2020
Chief Executive of Voluntary Action Islington – Recruitment
Chief Executive Voluntary Action Islington Salary £56,000 for a 35 hour week Voluntary Action Islington (VAI) is the main provider of support to Islington’s thriving and diverse voluntary sector and promotes community action through volunteering in the Borough. VAI works with over 500 voluntary organisations based or working in Islington....News
London Community Response Wave 3
Whatever priority area you are applying for funding for, you can apply for either a small or a large grant: Small – grants of up to £10,000, using a simple application form, with decisions typically made within two to three weeks of you making an application; or Large – grants...02/06/2020
Volunteers’ week 2020
Volunteers’ Week is taking place this week, 1-7th June 2020. It is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering. This year will be different, due to social distancing we are unable to get together at celebration events for volunteers in Islington. Instead,...News