Introductory Event – Online learning for voluntary action

We are holding an event to introduce our new online offering to people involved in voluntary action – the Voluntary Action Academy. This will be held on Thursday 3rd October 5.15pm to 6.30pm at Voluntary Action Islington and if you are interested you are invited to attend.
The Voluntary Action Academy is the national learning platform for voluntary organisations – with accredited courses at levels 2 and 3 and a wide range of short online courses with a starting price of just £11.96. These courses meet the training needs of volunteers, managers and staff and provide a cost-effective way for people to develop their skills and gain accredited qualifications.
The courses include our unique Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) qualifications – the ILM Level 2 Award in Effective Team Membership for Volunteers and the ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management – as well as our range of over 100 online business skills courses.
The ILM qualifications combine online courses and learning resources with comprehensive tutor support. They are unique in that they use real examples from community organisations and are accessed through a web-based learning platform that manages the learning process, encourages student collaboration and helps students work towards completing their qualification.
Please come to the presentation at Voluntary Action Islington 200a Pentonville Road N1 9JP on 3rd October, visit to find out more. Please email: to let us know if you will be joining us on 3rd October.