10 February 2022 – VAI Health & Wellbeing Network Meeting Outcome

Outcome of meeting; If you couldn’t make it, please see the attached presentations and brief summary of each agenda item covered. We hope to see you all at next month’s event which you can join on Thursday 10th March – Event registration here
1. Adult Social Care Transformation – Guests (Stephen Taylor & Miranda Johnson)
See attached vision presentation for a detailed insight into the Islington Adult Social Care transformation strategy. There were notable opportunities for further collaboration and discussion in this area with Navinder suggesting Stephen hold a focus group with community stakeholders to address existing gaps and explore coproduction. Colin Adams offered to host at his community centre whilst Navinder suggested other groups could join in for greater community input. Stephen offered his contact details for interested parties (Stephen.taylor@islington.gov.uk)
2. Vaccination Rollout – Speakers (Navinder Kaur & Sally Miller)
Priority target areas for vaccine uptake – Bunhill, Finsbury Park & Holloway.
A Call to Action leaflet will be distributed in the top 5 languages spoken in the borough and offered out to community stakeholders to disseminate, whilst Community Conversations Training is available for anyone finding it difficult to engage and discuss the vaccine. Please see attached flyer for more information and recent Covid update from Public Health (As of 8th Feb). VAI to centralise collated data/insights/updates onto website and share with all members.
3. Defining Complex Mental Health Issues – Speaker (Navinder Kaur)
The group discussed the importance of properly mapping local services and gauging capacity against demand. Mayank Mawar from Public Health, Islington described the borough’s Mental Health Action Group, the Winter Wellness Programme and their Communications Calendar which all seek to address immediate need. See link for more information: https://www.islington.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/health-services-in-islington/mental-health
Tony Robinson (representing the Council’s VCS team), spoke of the upcoming updated directory on Islington Council’s website which will give service providers ownership over their own accounts.
4. Adult Safeguarding
The group spoke of the importance of accessing safeguarding training for all types of organisations and staff from Senior Leadership Team to volunteers. Yvette Ellis, VAI’s Development Officer raised the query of available trainings for small organisations and the requirement for finding the right level to pitch to various demographics.
Catherine McClen of BuddyHub echoed the need for a quick directory and access to free training for both staff and volunteers.
Sally Miller of Age UK Islington described two spaces on quarterly adult safeguarding training taking place online.
Please see attached strategy plan for Adult Safeguarding board and as discussed, here is the link to the Islington Safeguarding Adults Board’s survey. Please do take a look and help shape this body of work!
5. Forward planning for next 6 months
Our discussion in the first 4 agenda items took us until the end of our allotted time and so this section is likely to be explored in next month’s meeting.
Access presentations below
- How to have discussions about Covid-19 vaccine
- Islington Safeguarding Adults Board – Strategic Plan 2022-25
- Adult Social Care Vision Presentation
- Public Health – Vaccination Take Up – 08Feb22
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