Funding Update 26th April 2021
Islington Council’s Local Initiatives Fund – Open Programme.
The Local Initiatives Fund is available to voluntary and community organisations working with residents in Islington. The funding is allocated by local ward councillors for projects and activities which will provide positive change and tackle inequality in their wards. It is important that projects can demonstrate benefit to the residents of the ward they are applying to. There is currently an open process for applications, with organisations responding to Covid-19 being given priority. If you would like to find out more please contact or check out the website for information. Click here for more information
Islington Council’s Community Chest: Funding for community groups. Funding of up to £ 5,000 is available for community organisations that have an annual turnover of less than £100,000, work with Islington residents and priority is given to organisations supporting residents that experience poverty and/or isolation. Apply here. The deadline is Tuesday May 4th at 12pm.
Empowering Women Fund – Round 1: (Deadline: 28 May 2021)
In response to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, the fund aims to fill a gap in support for organisations that are supporting women to recover from problems exacerbated by the pandemic.
The scheme will provide funding to support small women’s groups and organisations to develop innovative ways of empowering women in their local area and build their capacity. It is divided into two strands and grants can run for up to 12 months. Women’s groups and organisations can apply for:
Seed funding grants (£500-£1,000)
Available to small women’s groups to establish and run micro women’s empowerment projects in their local area that support women to build skills and confidence, and decrease social isolation.
Women’s Sector grants (£1,000-£25,000)
Available for women’s groups and organisations to develop capacity to respond to changing needs in their communities and run projects over a fixed duration of at least 6 months. They are particularly aiming to reach those who have not previously applied for funding and those from marginalised communities. Click here for more information on how to apply
Thomas Wall Trust (Deadline: 30 April 2021)
Grants up to £5,000 are available towards specific projects or core activities that support literacy, numeracy, digital and additional skills for learning that are likely to assist employment prospects. Registered charities with annual turnover up to £500,000 are eligible to apply. Find out more here
Racial Equity Funding Opening
On 20 April, Lloyds Bank Foundation will be launching the new Racial Equity funding stream for charities that are led by and for members of minoritised communities. Information on how to apply will be available here from 20 April and you can watch here a webinar which includes more information about this funding opportunity.
Let’s Move Together fund
The purpose of the fund is to reduce the negative impact of coronavirus and the widening of the inequalities in sport and physical activity through increasing availability of exercise opportunities in local communities within England. Grants between £1,000 and £5,000 are being offered as part of the fund. Find out more here
BBC Children in Need’s Emergency Essentials Programme Expanded
The fund supports families with children who are living with financial, health and social difficulties, by providing items that meet children’s most basic needs such as kitchen appliances, furniture, baby equipment, beds, clothing, and other items and services that are critical to children’s wellbeing. Find out more here.