COVID Update for Voluntary and Community Sector
During this incredibly challenging and unsettling time, we are committed to providing the voluntary sector with as much information, advice and support as possible. There are some important updates below.
Latest Covid-19 Information
Islington Covid Data and Daily NCL Reports
What is the current situation?
- There were 109 new confirmed cases in Islington during the week of 15th – 21st February
- There were 12 new deaths reported during the week ending the 21st of February.
- The weekly incidence rate (new cases) per 100,000 population for the latest week has decreased from 64.3 for the period 8th – 14th February to 45 for the period 15th – 21st February.
- We continue to see a fall in the COVID-19 infection rate in Islington and across London but there are still a number of people catching COVID-19 every day.
What do residents need to do?
The Government announced its plan to move out of lockdown from 8 March last week, but please continue to protect yourself, your friends and your family by:
- Staying at home – you must not leave or be outside of your home except where necessary
- Creating space – stay 2 metres apart from people outside your household or in your support bubble
- Washing your hands – regularly and for at least 20 seconds
- Wearing a face-covering – if in public places, including in shops and on public transport
Information is now available on the Islington Council website which provides an overview of current levels of Covid-19 infection and Covid-19 related deaths in Islington. See the following link:
Islington Covid Data
Vaccination update
The vaccine roll out is continuing to move at pace here in Islington. This week the NHS have given anyone in the following groups the option to book online without waiting for their invitation:
- people aged 64 and over
- people who are at high risk from coronavirus (clinically extremely vulnerable)
- people who are at moderate risk from coronavirus (clinically vulnerable)
- people who live or work in care homes
- health and social care workers
- unpaid carers
This also includes people who have previously been offered a jab but declined it. Please be aware that the GP-run sites in Islington at Hanley and Bingfield are not bookable on the online system – so it is best to wait if you would prefer to go to either venue.
Testing in Islington
Changes to the Government’s Community Testing Programme mean that those carrying out essential voluntary work can now access rapid response Covid-19 tests without having any symptoms of the virus. This rapid testing is helping local authorities to identify asymptomatic cases and support people to self-isolate. If you are a volunteer, you can find out how to access a test in Islington here.
Can you help to identify unpaid carers?
Anyone who provides regular practical support to someone else – like sorting out their shopping, bills or personal care – or emotional support may qualify to be an unpaid carer and so be given priority for the vaccine. They need to be registered with their GP as a carer first. We are aware there are lots of people out there who qualify but are not yet registered and we want them to come forward. Please help us spread the word – and ideally point them towards the Age UK Carers Hub who can advise and support.
A new support offer from the We are Islington helpline
The We are Islington helpline is now offering support to anyone who has been invited for their jab but needs a hand to book or to get to their appointment. Just call 020 7527 8222 or email Lines are open 9am-5pm. They are promoting the service across Islington.
They are posting regular updates on our dedicated page at They have also created a folder of downloadable videos of Islington people getting their jab on our YouTube feed that you are welcome to share.
COVID-19 Resources and Services in different languages
The GLA have also supported Doctors of the World in producing translated wellbeing guidance, which Londoners might find especially useful now that we are in lockdown. These resources and others are available on the GLA’s Translated COVID hub.
Leaflets Available – Clear, simple information about COVID and local support
Islington Council has produced a leaflet for our partners to distribute – with basic public health information, and information about how to get support in Islington. These are being shared by police, councillors, pharmacies, libraries, foodbanks and so on. They are also translating these leaflets into Arabic, Somali and Bengali. Thanks for helping us share accurate, clear information to stop the spread of the virus in Islington. If you would like some copies to share, or need some more, please email and they will get them to you.
Covid-19 Community Response
Islington Council – Online Service Directory:
The directory provides information about services available in the borough including; food provision, counselling, legal advice and pharmacies. If you would like to add or change an entry to this directory, please contact
Islington Resources Hub:
The resources hub contains COVID resources, including translated COVID health and safety leaflets from the council, the government, the NHS and Doctors of the World.
This is a London Borough of Islington update for the Voluntary and Community Sector