State of Islington’s Voluntary and Community Sector Survey 2017

We invite VCS organisations working in Islington to contribute to our annual research by taking part in the State of the Sector survey. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Take part and your organisation might be able to get an extra present after the festive days, £50 of stationary.
Voluntary Action Islington relies on having up to date information from our members and others in Islington’s Voluntary Sector to enable us to understand its needs and establish the type of support and services we should provide. This will also inform Islington Council’s VCS strategy and help them prioritise the needs of the sector.
Each year VAI surveys voluntary sector organisations in Islington to collect information about how healthy the sector is, the role it is playing and identify any key issues and trends that may arise.
The information we collect is hugely important as it provides us with evidence that we can draw upon when working to influence policy or advocating on behalf of the sector.
If you have any queries about the survey, or difficulties completing it, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0207 832 5800 or