Islington VCS Organisations Directory – URGENT UPDATE

Islington’s directory of voluntary and community organisations is developed in partnership with Islington Council and maintained by Voluntary Action Islington. Being part of the directory gives your organisation the best chance of being found by people/organisations who need your support or volunteers who would like to help out in Islington! It also makes it easier for you to locate potential service partners.
If you have registered to be part of the directory a while ago, your organisations’ details might have changed. Voluntary Action Islington is making the updating process easier. We have sent an email to you with your login details and instructions on how to update your information on 7th of August. If you have received the email, you will be able to update your details online. Please reply to us once the update is done. If you haven’t received the email, please contact Marta or Shijun at VAI: or
If you are not in the directory but would like to be in, then you will need to go to the Directory site and complete our Registration Form.