Meet the Funders event at VAI

Voluntary Action Islington has arranged a ‘Meet the funders’ event to give brief presentations on their priorities for work with voluntary, community groups and charities.
The funders presenting are:
- London Catalyst – Victor Willmott
The current funding priorities of London Catalyst are: improve health and wellbeing, help people to get out of poverty, raise awareness of poverty and ill health in London. - Trust for London – Helal Uddin Abbas
The current funding priorities of Trust for London are: Employment, Advice, Social justice, Violence and Small groups.
The presentations will be followed by a Q&A and networking. The event is free to attend to Islington voluntary and community organisations and Charities. Places are strictly limited so please let us know ASAP if you want to attend by completing the booking form and sending it to: Yvette Ellis at Voluntary Action Islington
Wednesday 15th March 2017, 2pm – 4pm
Venue: Conference Room, Voluntary Action Islington, 200A Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP