2015 - Voluntary Action Islington
Launch of Newsletter for Volunteer Centre
The first issue of the Volunteer Centre Islington newsletter from VAI is out now! Our aim is to send this out monthly to help and promote volunteering in Islington, as well as inform you about the latest events in the volunteering sector. We hope you find the newsletter interesting. If...03/12/2015
Our Chief Executive, Mike Sherriff, to leave
After over nine years in post Mike Sherriff has resigned as Chief Executive of Voluntary Action Islington and will be leaving as soon as a successor is in post, early next year. Mike said: “It has been a great privilege to work with the creative, committed and diverse volunteers and...04/11/2015
Islington celebrates its volunteers of the year 2015
This year’s Volunteer of the Year is Gareth who is a member of a team of volunteers at the Single Homeless Project, supporting some of the most vulnerable local people. He has turned his own life around in the last 10 years and puts this experience to use to support...News
AGM and Volunteer of the Year Awards – 4th November 2015
Voluntary Action Islington’s AGM and Volunteer of the Year Awards presentation will be held on Wednesday 4th November at Voluntary Action Islington, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP. We are pleased to have as our guest speaker Neil Jameson, Executive Director and London Lead Organiser, Citizens UK. The AGM will...27/10/2015
Health Voice Islington Survey
The Health Voice Islington survey allows you to quickly and anonymously give feedback on NHS health services you have used in the past year. This helps to improve the quality of the services you receive. Responses are completely anonymous and no registration is needed. follow the link to quickly and...21/10/2015
Conference report – Pulling Together: Funding, Resources and Collaboration
On the 9th of July, more than 100 people braved a tube strike to join the Islington Voluntary Sector Conference 2015. They met funders, heard inspirational speakers, and discussed opportunities for collaboration in a whole range of fields. Their views were noted down and have been used to develop recommendations...16/10/2015
‘It’s no fun being on benefits’: the reality of welfare reform
Between 2010 and 2015, the coalition government cut welfare spending by £15 billion. With George Osborne’s July budget pledging to cut welfare again, this time by £12 billion over only two years, it’s time to pay attention to what the huge cuts already made have meant for the people of...15/10/2015
Nominate Islington Volunteers of the Year
Last opportunity to nominate volunteers for the Islington Volunteer of the Year Awards 2015. Please download the nomination form and nominate local volunteers and trustees for the Awards, which will be presented by the Mayor at our AGM on 4th November 2015. ...15/10/2015
Strengthening Volunteering Project
Our new project working with local organisations to increase the effectiveness of volunteering ‘Strengthening Volunteering’ started in September 2015. We are currently working with 15 local organisations on the development of their volunteering programmes. We will be working with organisations to introduce new volunteering roles, and develop induction and supervision...News