
2013 - Page 3 of 4 - Voluntary Action Islington

Camden and Islington Foundation Trust

Papers from the recent meeting of the Trust. Our representative is Gareth Pountain....

London Councils

Children England, in collaboration with Partnership for Young London and the Race Equality Foundation, are delighted to be working with London Councils to support the children, young people and families (CYP & F) voluntary and community sector across the region. This is an exciting new development for all partners, which...

Ballo at the Kings Head Theatre – In support of Islington Volunteer Centre

Olivier Award-winning local company OperaUpClose  are supporting the Islington Volunteer Centre through ticket sales to their current production of Verdi’s opera Ballo (A Masked Ball),  playing at the King’s Head Theatre in Islington until 25th May. Performances of Ballo are Tuesday-Saturday at 7.15pm and Sundays at 3pm until 25th May....

Islington Law Centre – Guide to Welfare Reform

Islington Law Centre have just produced an up dated guide to welfare reform for local residents....

Welcome to our blog

Voluntary Action Islington now has a blog.  One of our aims is to mobilise our members to influence change. At a time of rapid change, much of it not very positive for our members and the people who rely on their services, we are aiming to use all the means...

Forthcoming One-Day Volunteering Events

Volunteering for Stronger Communities   1. Age UK Islington:    Care Home Garden Renovation Team Early April (Date tbc) A half day’s assistance (Islington) To help renovate and clear up the garden of a local care home for the elderly. 2. Angel Shed Theatre:    Street Marketing Assistants Flexible Dates March &...

Re-launching Islington Environment Forum

A preliminary meeting to discuss challenges to wellbeing and sustainability and the potential role of the IEF     Wednesday 20th March 6pm – 7.30pm at Voluntary Action Islington, 200a Pentonville rd.  N1 9JP The aim of the meeting will be to discuss the need, potential role, agenda and governance framework for...

CRB checks change to DBS checks – the details

At the end of 2012 the standard CRB check changed to a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. This change has implications for volunteer involving organisations and groups working with vulnerable adults and children. Check out our briefing on the changer for further details....

Tendering Master Class Workshop

Voluntary Action Islington, in partnership with Children England, have recently secured a  contract from the local authority to deliver a range of support services to voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises working with children, young people and families in Islington. As part of this new service, we have a...

Forthcoming One-Day Volunteering Events.

Volunteering for Stronger Communities.   1. The Conservation Volunteers:    Various Community Conservation Days 24/29 January 2013 Flexible hours (Various Islington locations) Helping with any number of local conservation projects in woods and parks. 2. ABD Club:    Kiddy Craft Club Any Thursday in Jan or Feb 3pm – 5pm (Holloway N7)...

News & Policy


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