4G Digital Outreach

What is 4G and how may it affect my Freeview Television?
This year will see the arrival of new 4G services, enabling the super-fast internet on mobile phones. But while 4G will benefit the UK by giving us access to next generation mobile internet services, it may also have the side effect of interfering with a minority of people’s existing Freeview service.
Ofcom has estimated that up to 2.3 million UK households could be affected, that’s less than 1 in 10. Symptoms for those affected might include a loss of sound, pixelated images or loss of all channels.
All Islington households that are likely to be affected will be supplied with a free filter through the post which is designed to solve the disturbance. The filters are easy to plug-in and will solve the problem by removing 4G signals before they reach Freeview TV sets or set-top boxes. Most viewers should be able to fix the problem themselves in a matter of minutes by fitting an at800 filter. Only those who watch Freeview will be affected.
For more information and support:
visit: https://at800.tv/
call: 0333 31 31 800
For Islington residents who are over 75, registered disabled, blind or partially sighted and would like some support when fitting the at800 filter, a home visit service is available. This will involve a trained volunteer or engineer fitting the filter. If you fall in this group or know someone who does and may need some support, please contact the at800 call centre on 0333 31 31 800.
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