
Fundraising Support and Information

Want to know what funding is available?

Do you need help with writing your funding application or fundraising strategy?
Voluntary Action Islington’s capacity-building support can help suggest ways to make practical, straightforward funding applications and fundraising plans. Our development officer offer support designed specifically for the local community and voluntary sector. To speak to a development officer. Contact us on 0207 832 5800 to make an appointment for an advice session/s.

Fundraising guidance
Voluntary Action Islington has a range of funding guidance sheets for organisations who are applying for funding.
For more online resources on writing funding applications, you also visit the Resource Centre website.

Read the presentations from some of the funders briefings:
The Big Lottery Reaching Communities Programme
– City Bridge Trust
– London Community Foundation Grant programmes
– Localgiving

Big Lottery Fund Webinars
The Big Lottery Fund holds regular webinars for two of its programmes: Awards for All on a weekly basis and every two weeks for Reaching Communities Programme. Get more info about dates and how to register here.