
Upcoming dates and events

We are delighted to invite you to the next round of Locality Young Islington Network events which will focus on improving quality and impact, with some exciting updates, about recent developments, thrown in too. You won’t want to miss it.

Excitingly the newly recruited youth co-chairs who will be helping us ensure that young people’s voices are at the heart of our conversations. They will be playing a role in shaping our priorities and will act as bridge to young people in the local area.

• The events will take place online on MS TEAMS – Please use the link below to join the event.
• If you cannot attend, please do send a representative or forward this invite to them.
• If you are a borough wide organisation or, can’t attend the meeting for your locality – please come along to any one of the other Locality Network events as much of the agenda will be similar and it would be great to see you there.

Young Islington Locality Networks is a great way to share local knowledge, ideas, collaborate, plan and work together to benefit young people.

Click here to sign up and join your Locality Network:

The agenda will include:

• Developments and news from your locality
• Youth Participation
• The mental health and wellbeing subgroup
• Mapping needs and opportunities for collaboration
• Detached Youth Work offer and targeting excluded young people

I would really appreciate you letting me know:

1. Are you interested in networking with local groups working with young people
2. Did/are you going to attend a Locality Network event this time around
3. What were your takeaways

Please click here to join the Young Islington Locality Network and, here to become a member of Voluntary Action Islington.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Locality Network event.