
Local Wellbeing Networks

As part of Islington Council’s ‘Fairer Together’ initiative, Voluntary Action Islington and Octopus Community Networks have come together to establish Local Wellbeing Networks (LWN) throughout the borough. This is born out of the council’s ambition to increase collaboration between services and to provide a platform for community voice.

The networks consists of statutory service providers, charities, community groups and residents, all of whom have committed to taking a more active role in their local community, sharing best practice and collaborating for positive social change.

This is developed in each locality (North, Central & South) and takes the form of bi-monthly meetings, hosted by a rotating network member. This meeting is open to anyone working or living in the area and provides a platform to discuss concerns or share ideas on how we as citizens can work together and achieve positive social change.



12th  June – Islington North Local Wellbeing Networks Meeting:  Click here to register

19th June – Islington South Local Wellbeing Networks Meeting:  Click here to register

25th April  – Islington Central Local Wellbeing Networks Meeting: Click here to register

To see the minutes from the November Local Wellbeing Network Meetings:

March 2024 – Islington North minutes

April 2024 – Islington Central minutes 

April 2024 – Islington South minutes 

See below for a list of current members in each locality:







We know that there are many more groups who deserve a seat at the table and we’re committed to ongoing membership from all of Islington’s diverse communities.

For further info and updates on the Local Wellbeing Networks please visit our brand new website at:

Click here to join the Octopus Community Network and collaborators

Share local knowledge, ideas, collaborate, plan and work together with young people for young people. Click here to sign up and join the Young Islington Locality Networks