Gunner Get Jabbed

Hello to colleagues, partners and other stakeholders.
From this Friday (25 June) to Monday 28 June inclusive, there’ll be a Covid-19 vaccine event at Emirates Stadium, where anyone who’s eligible for their first dose can get vaccinated. It will be open from 8am-8 pm.
Arsenal are offering a free stadium tour to everyone who gets vaccinated at the site over the four days! We want to do all we can to promote this event to our communities and to get as many people as possible vaccinated. You can help us do this, by spreading the word among your networks and communities. To make it easier for you, I have shared the following resources for you to share via WhatsApp groups, on social media, by email or whatever works for you!:
- A gif to share via WhatsApp
- A digital flyer to share by email
- An email banner you can add to your signature and/or to bulletins you send out
- Please click here to access a zipped file with the gif/video, resized to share on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
We would love to translate some of these into other languages to really reach out to communities. If any of you can help with this, please get in touch.
If you can help by displaying or distributing printed flyers to your communities, there will be some available for collection from Thursday at Islington Town Hall and at the Lateral Flow Test site in Arsenal Community Hub.
All the key messages are on the attached digital flyer and here is a summary of the main promotional ones for all audiences:
- Covid-19 vaccine event at Emirates Stadium, 25-28 June, 8am-8pm.
- This is for first doses only. No second doses will be given at this event.
- Everyone at the event will get the Pfizer vaccine.
- Everyone who gets vaccinated at the event will get a free, behind-the-scenes tour of Emirates Stadium!
- It’s best to book.
o If you got a text message from your GP earlier this week, you can click on the link there to book.
o Or you can book on
o Or you can call We are Islington on 020 7527 8222. Minicom 020 7527 1900.