Extension of the Children’s Support Project to the end of June 2016

The project to support organisations working with children and young people in Islington has been extended for an additional 6 months. In the final 6 months we will be offering some slightly different services, taking account of the changing circumstances facing organisations and the feedback we have received to date from the first 3 years of the project.
We will continue to offer one to one support to organisations. These sessions are particularly aimed at smaller organisations. To book a session please email: christopher.taylor@vai.org.uk.
We will continue to organise workshops based on the topics where there has been greatest demand and to assist organisations to make the best use of digital technology in their work.
We will be offering one to one coaching sessions to some people in leadership roles in organisations (i.e. Chief Officer/Director, Chair). These will be available to organisations that have existed for a minimum of one year and which face significant challenges or opportunities to sustain and develop their work with children and young people in the borough. Organisations will have to apply for this support, which will be provided by associates from Children England and Voluntary Action Islington.
We will be offering facilitation of planning and review days to teams of staff/trustees at some organisations. These will be available to organisations that have existed for a minimum of one year and have an established group of trustees. The organisations should be facing significant change in relation to their funding, staffing or service provision. Organisations will have to apply for this support, which will be provided by associates from Children England and Voluntary Action Islington.
Application forms:
For more information about these sessions please call or email Christopher Taylor on 0207 832 5803 christopher.taylor@vai.org.uk.