Islington celebrates its volunteers of the year

This year’s Volunteer of the Year is Louisa Sullivan, who volunteers as a mentor with the Parent House, an organisation that encourages parents to develop confidence, skills and abilities so that they and their children can reach their full potential. As well as mentoring parents with complex needs Louisa is involved in outreach work – making sure parents who need the service most are aware of what’s on offer.
Mike Sherriff, Chief Executive of Voluntary Action Islington said:
“More volunteers than ever were nominated for a Volunteer of the Year Award. With so much bad news it is an inspiration to learn about all the fantastic work being undertaken by local residents to make a positive difference in Islington.”
The Volunteer of the Year Awards were presented by the Mayor at the Voluntary Action Islington AGM tonight. Other winners include the chair of the board of the local Credit Union, who won trustee of the year award. The young volunteer of the year was Pauline Meyer who volunteers with a local counselling services and has encourage her peers to get involved with volunteering too. The older volunteer of the year organises events and activities at the successful King Henry’s Walk Garden.