
Islington and Camden Autumn 2021 Volunteering Fair




Join us ONLINE at our Islington and Camden Autumn 2021 Volunteering Fair co-hosted by us and Volunteer Centre Camden. We are once again joining forces with our good friends @ Volunteer Centre Camden on Thursday 14th October, 12.30-2pm online via ZOOM.
(You must register here to receive the Zoom link!)

Did you know that volunteering is good for you? Studies show that volunteering can improve and maintain your mental and physical health, and well as helping with the effects of stress, anxiety and low self-esteem. And the social contact of helping and working with others can have a profound effect on your overall psychological wellbeing. Good times.



Book your tickets here

PLEASE NOTE: Tickets are only needed for people who want to find out about volunteering in Camden & Islington. If you are a non-profit that wants to recruit volunteers in Camden or Islington at the fair, then send an email to

Check back for updates on the organisations confirmed to attend.


Event Timetable

12.30-12.40 Welcomes and introductions from the hosts. Explanation of the fair and how it will work.

12.40-1pm Brief pitch for volunteers from the ten organisations
Then all organisations recruiting volunteers will be popped into ten different breakout rooms. Volunteers can choose to join them there. Each organisation will deliver a short presentation about the volunteering role(s), the organisation itself and the benefits of volunteering with them. This will be repeated three times (see below for timings). You can choose to attend one breakout room, three different rooms or anything in between.

1-1.20pm Breakout room session 1
1.20-1.40pm Breakout room session 2
1.40-2pm Breakout session 3
2pm Event ends, everyone back in the main room for a very quick reminder of the next steps, and then a brief thank you and goodbye!

Before the fair we will send you the Zoom link as well as the full list of the organisations that will be attending, and a bit the roles that they are recruiting for.
After the fair all participants will receive a follow-up email detailing how you apply for the roles and / or contact the organisations that attended the fair.

IMPORTANT! To get the best experience from this volunteering fair you will need to have installed the latest version of Zoom (either the app or the web client). In other words, to self-select the Breakout Rooms you will need Zoom 5.3.0 or later. Why not update now? Check out this link for instructions: