
Voluntary Action Newsletter

July – August 2019 NOOOOO

Keeping Islington Safe: How can the Voluntary and Community Sector help?
The Islington Community Network Conference 2019
10th July 2019 10am – 3.30pm at the Ideation Room, Roding Building, London Metropolitan University, N7 8DB (Free – lunch provided)

Islington’s Communities face present and future challenges to their safety and wellbeing, including: grooming and trafficking of our children and young people by gangs; hate crime (possibly exacerbated by Brexit); domestic abuse; anti-social behaviour; and more extremism.
Islington’s statutory agencies work to address these issues – as do voluntary and community sector groups, their networks and forums, local politicians and others.
But how can the wider Voluntary and Community Sector get involved in keeping Islington safe – in particular can our VCS be more involved in the area of preventative action, working with existing initiatives and agencies?
This conference will – with your help – aim to answer that question.
Speakers are still being booked but we can already confirm there will be presentations from organisations already working in the field such as:

          • Islington Community Safety Team
          • Abianda (working with young female victims of gangs),
          • the MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference),
          • Islington Safer Neighbourhood Board
          • Our Police Borough Commander
          • More speakers tbc.

We hope you will attend, regardless of your organisation and what work it does – as keeping ourselves safe is a vital part of our role.
Book HERE!

The ICN Partnership Groups are open to networks of people and organisations representing particular parts of the borough or particular issues. Contact Antony Bewick-Smith for more information: or 0207 832 5833.

NVCO – Volunteers’ Week Launch Event
1st June, 2 – 4pm. DLA Piper, 160 Aldersgate St, Barbican, London, EC1A 4H.
This is a FREE event which is two hours long with drinks and nibbles, hearing inspiring stories about volunteering from across the country. It is a celebratory event, and only offer 4 tickets per organisation & at least one person needs to be a volunteer. This event is expected to be fully booked so please register your interest by 11am Wednesday 22 May. Book here. If you have any questions, please email or call 020 7520 2466.

Open Forum/Legacy Event
4th June 2019, 2p-3.30pm. Resource for London, 356 Holloway Rd, N7 6PA
Learn more about Journey to Justice and contribute your ideas to the legacy of the Journey to Justice Islington project within the borough. This free event is part of Journey to Justice Islington – an exhibition and events programme focussing on the people who fought for civil rights & equality in the U.S. and here. More info and how to book here.

Journey to Justice Islington Celebration!
6th June 5 – 10pm. Resource for London, 356 Holloway Rd, N7 6PA
This will be a special evening of live music, performance and celebration at Resource for London on Holloway Road. This free event for Islington residents will include a performance by internationally renowned kora player Tunde Jegede and hosted by MC Baden Prince Junior. The night will include drumming, a performance by singer Zena Edwards, food, drink and more. This free event is part of Journey to Justice Islington – an exhibition and events programme focussing on the people who fought for civil rights & equality in the U.S. and here. More info and how to book here.

DIY Taster: Women only Electrics course
7th June, 10am – 1pm. Housing Repairs Training Facility, Unit 9 Bush Industrial Estate, Station Rd N19 5UN.
This course is geared for woman to have a taster session to learn new skills for home improvement. There is a chance to meet other female experts in the industry and hear about further training and employment opportunities in construction. This course applies to people who are unemployed, on low income or an Islington resident or with a child at an Islington School. To book a place email or even call or text on 020 7527 3488

Community Conversation about Drugs and Alcohol: Awareness Training Sessions.
10th June, 10am – 12.30pm. Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, London, N1 2UD.
This training session improves the understanding, knowledge and awareness of substance misuse so that communities are better placed to offer support that prevents and reduces misuse. Community, organisations could play a vital role in utilizing their trusted and positive links by raising awareness of the support available to residents and communities effected by high levels of alcohol and drug use. Better Lives is committed to working in partnership with voluntary and community sector organisations. Please book a place on one of our interactive half-day awareness raising workshops by emailing Due to the anticipated level of interest in these workshops please only book a place if you know will be able to attend. More information here.

Octopus Community Network (Octopus) Volunteer Fair
12th June, 12.30 – 2.30pm. Caxton House, 129 St John’s Way, N19 3RQ
Octopus is collaboration between the largest multi-purpose community centres in Islington. They are now seeking people to volunteer with them in their community centres to improve the neighbourhood where you live or the community places and spaces that you really care about. Check out the leaflet for more info.

The Inbetweeners: An in-depth look at the lives of children aged 6-12
13th June, 11am-3pm, Kings Place, York Way N1 9AG.
In partnership with the Islington Faiths Forum, Children and Young People Voluntary Sector Forum is taking a closer look at the lives of children aged 6-12. CYPVSF is delighted to invite you to this event where they’ll be focusing on the issues facing children of those less talked about “in-between years.” More information and bookings here.

Islington Refugee Week
17th – 23rd June. Various locations Islington
Refugee Week takes place every year across the world. In the UK, Refugee Week is a nationwide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and encourages a better understanding between communities. In Islington you can get involved through the events listed in the Islington Refugee Forum website. Click through for more details on each event.

Interfaith Celebration – Refugee Week
19th June, 1.30 – 3pm. Finsbury Park Mosque, N4 2QH.
The theme for Refugee Week this year is ‘You, me and those who came before us’ and is a great opportunity to celebrate the many contributions of refugees. Check out the leaflet for more information.

HR: the GDPR risks that could catch your charity out
20th June at 1 pm. Online
Charity Digital News has joined up with technology and HR experts breathe and hr inspire for a free webinar looking at the employment impact of GDPR on Charities, providing you with practical advice on how to make sure you’re GDPR compliant. More details and how to book here.

The Great Get Together – Hilldrop Community Centre
21st June 11.30am – 2.30pm. Community Lane, Hilldrop Rd, N7 0JE
As part of this year’s Great Get Together Hilldrop Community Centre will be inviting neighbours in for Tea and Strawberry Scones, with music from our fabulous Ukelele band! All are welcome to come along and find out more about our community activities.

The Cally Festival
23rd June, 12 – 6pm. Caledonian Road, N1 1EF.
Caledonian Road is one of London’s most vibrant neighbourhoods and host to the Cally Festival, an annual celebration of everything the area has to offer. Each year, for one day, we close the road and over 7000 people come together to throw a huge party in it. Sign up for their free workshops and get more details here.

Volunteers’ Week takes place from 1-7 June, when we come together to show volunteers exactly what they mean to voluntary and community organisations, the individuals and communities they support. There are lots of resources available to support your activities on the Volunteers’ Week website, where you’ll also find examples from other organisations and planned events that are taking place throughout the country.

Small Charity Week 2019 – 17th – 22nd June – this year Small Charity Week marks its 10th anniversary, and offers small charities a range of opportunities to shout about their work, get support and advice, and develop skills and knowledge. Taking place over six themed days, there are a multitude of ways to get involved. More info here.

Councillor Rakhia Ismail has been chosen as Islington’s Mayor for 2019 – 20 at Islington’s Annual Council meeting. The Holloway ward councillor is the first Somali-born woman to hold the position of Mayor in the UK. Her husband, Yassin, will be her consort. Cllr Ismail was born in Somalia and came to the UK as a refugee in the 1980s. Read more here and watch Cllr Ismail’s interview with the BBC here.

Does your charity have questions and concerns about the UK’s departure from the EU? The government has brought together information to help civil society organisations with aspects of withdrawal like changes in funding, workforce and data regulation.

London Housing Panel has announced the 15 member organisations from across the housing, voluntary, and campaigning sectors have been appointed to the London Housing Panel. Organisations appointed to the Panel are expected to coordinate with, consult and provide feedback to other groups within their networks and sector. Raji Hunjan, CEO of anti-poverty charity Zacchaeus 2000 Trust (Z2K), has been appointed Chair of the Panel. The panel will meet for the first time on 25th June. Details here.

The Ticket Bank is an online ticket donation platform from Tickets for Good. Event organisers can pledge spare tickets to the website to be distributed for free in partnership with charities and local community groups. Registered charities and non-profit community groups are invited to sign up via the website so that they can immediately start distributing free tickets to their clients and service users. Click here for more information on Tickets for Good.

EU citizens can apply for settled status so they can continue to live and work in the UK when Britain leaves the EU. Islington residents can get their identity documents verified for free through the council. You can also sign up to a free independent advice session at the Town Hall on Wednesday 6 June. For more information and support visit their webpage.


The Google Impact Challenge on Safety – Are you working on initiatives that tackle hate, extremism or that promote child safety, both online and offline? The Impact Challenge on Safety is a €10m fund to support organisations across Europe doing just this. By funding new and existing community projects, Google hopes to support initiatives to counter hate and extremism, and help young people to become confident digital citizens. Applications for the Impact Challenge on Safety are now open, and close on 28th June. You can find application criteria and further details here.

The Clarion Housing Group’s William Sutton Prize applications are now open. Clarion is seeking applications from individuals or organisations presenting an innovative concept, product or service that will have a positive social impact on a community. There is a prize fund of up to £20,000 on offer for each of the two categories: The William Sutton Prize for Social Innovation  and The William Sutton Prize for Placemaking and Affordable Housing Design. To find out more or apply for the William Sutton Prize before the 31st July deadline, visit their website.

The Sainsbury family Charitable Trust has no deadlines. The funding runs throughout the year. Applications must be for the following areas of interest: arts and heritage, cathedral and major churches, parish churches, education and health and social welfare. Funding is £5,000 and upwards. For more info click here where you can also apply for the fund.

Clore Duffield Foundation is on-going funding, no deadlines but the trustees meet typically twice a year June and December. Funds are from £5,000 to £1 million (lager grants are rare). The Foundation focuses on support on cultural learning, creating learning spaces within arts ad heritage organisations, leadership training for the cultural and social sectors, social care and enhancing Jewish life. For more info click here where you can also apply for the fund.

Magic Little Grants 2019 gives local charities and community groups the chance to apply online for a £500 + a free Localgiving annual membership (to new Local giving members) to deliver projects across Great Britain that encourage people to be physically active. Successful projects will support and inspire people to participate in sports or exercise with the primary aim of improving the physical health of participants. With its simple 10-minute application process, the Magic Little Grants fund reduces the work required for local organisations to access the funding they need to launch or strengthen their services. Applicants must either be in their first year of operation or have an annual income under £250,000. Applications will be accepted until 30th November 2019.

You can find more information about these and other funding opportunities in our 2019 Voluntary Action Islington Funding booklet. Some application for grants will be closed in early June, make sure that you do not miss the deadline by checking our funding booklet!

The Islington Funding Toolkit enables organisations to easily search for information on current and up and coming funding programmes.

Check the Keep Our NHS Public website and find the way to support campaigning for the following objectives:

          • to stop the privatisation and commercialisation of our NHS;
          • to achieve the reinstatement of a comprehensive, universal, publicly funded, publicly owned, publicly provided and publicly accountable, national health service – free at the point of use; and
          • to defend the NHS from cuts and closures and to campaign for the resources needed to provide excellent health care for all on a long term, sustainable basis.


Islington Health and Wellbeing Board6th November 2019, 1pm, Committee Room 1, Islington Town Hall.
Voluntary and Community Sector Committee 8th July 2019, 6.30pm, Committee Room 1, Islington Town Hall.

Islington Council is consulting with residents, volunteer or community groups and businesses on Islington’s waste Reduction and Recycling Plan. In the London Environment Strategy published in May 2018, the Mayor of London set out his vision for waste and recycling in London. To show that Islington is supporting his vision and are in ‘general conformity’ with his proposals, we need to produce a Reduction and Recycling Plan.
Islington’s Reduction and Recycling Plan sets out Islington’s objectives for sustainable waste management and how we are supporting the Mayor of London’s aims and objectives. Consultation opened until midnight on 16th June. Have your say here.

The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is asking local people and organisations for their help to draw up new ward boundaries across Islington. The Commission has also announced that it is minded to recommend that the council should have 51 councilors in the future. Have your say! Consultation closes on 3rd June 2019.

The Social value in government procurement is a consultation on how government should take account of social value in the award of central government contracts. This will have the effect of levelling the playing field for all types of businesses including small businesses, voluntary and community sector organisations and social enterprises, encouraging employment opportunities, developing skills and improving environmental sustainability. Check out the consultation here. Closing 10th June 2019.

Sustainable Development Goals. In July this year the UK Government will be presenting its Voluntary National Review to the United Nations, reviewing the UK’s progress towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals so far. As part of this review, the government will submit evidence from across the UK and from all three sectors of society: government, civil society and the private sector. They are calling on any group, organisation or individual to submit evidence of what they are doing to help achieve the goals. Tell the government what you’re doing!

The department of Education is inviting individuals and organisations to consider how the SEND and AP financial arrangements in England could be improved to help local authorities, schools, colleges and other providers in supporting children and young people. Have your say here. Closing date 31st July 2019.

The Prime Minister and the Housing and Communities Secretary have announced new measures to support people fleeing domestic abuse, including:

          • A duty for local authorities to provide refuges and support for survivors of domestic abuse and their children
          • Funding, whose detail will be announced in the spending review, for these services to be provided ‘on a long-term, sustainable footing’
          • A consultation on what support for domestic abuse survivors should look like.

The UN report on UK poverty, has been published. Although the United Kingdom is the world’s fifth largest economy, one fifth of its population (14 million people) live in poverty, and 1.5 million of them experienced destitution in 2017. “The bottom line is that much of the glue that has held British society together since the Second World War has been deliberately removed and replaced with a harsh and uncaring ethos. A booming economy, high employment and a budget surplus have not reversed austerity, a policy pursued more as an ideological than an economic agenda.”

Front and Centre – Putting Social Value at the Heart of Inclusive Growth is the research report from Social Enterprise UK that calls for a rethink on how public bodies use social value, urging it to be placed front and centre of how local and central government works. Based on in-depth research across local government, the report paints a mixed picture – one in which real progress is being made by forward thinking local authorities but where the transformative potential of social value is not being fully realised.

Trust for London funded “poor tax: reforming council tax in London” a report from IPPR which calls for London’s unfair council tax system to be reformed. The report’s recommendations included devolving council tax to London and abolishing exemptions for unoccupied and second homes. Read more